Charles E. Gagnon
Through his leadership, VOAMASS has secured several major new contracts to serve people facing varied challenges, including a significant Department of Labor grant to prepare people leaving correctional facilities to re-enter the workforce. He has also been sought out by government leaders for his expertise in strategies to end homelessness.
Charles is known throughout the state as a leader in community development and an advocate of innovative services, and uses his expertise in the areas of affordable housing, economic development, workforce development, and behavioral health to establish programs and policy aimed at ending housing, health, and income disparities.
Charles serves on the boards of Association for Behavioral Healthcare, Massachusetts Workforce Association, and MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Investment Board, and is a member of the Providers’ Council CEO Roundtable and Volunteers of America National CEO Roundtable.
Prior to joining VOAMASS, Charles spent 25 years at the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC), serving as Chief Operating Officer from 2008-2019. During his tenure at SMOC, Charles was instrumental in leading the SMOC Housing Corporation, developing and managing more than 2,000 housing units across the Commonwealth. He holds a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and a bachelor’s degree from Saint John’s University in Minnesota.